8 Water Damage Prevention Tips.

8 Water Damage Prevention Tips.

Water damage is one of the most common problems in homes, and it’s something that can be easily prevented with some simple steps. Here are eight Water Damage Prevention Tips to help you prevent water damage in your home:

  1. Check your gutters for damage or clogs, and make sure they are draining properly. Clean them at least twice a year, removing any leaves or other kinds of debris you find in the gutter.
  2. Make sure your downspouts are at least 10 feet away from your foundation walls to avoid water damage near the house. Kids’ toys and garden hoses can often fall into the drainage area, causing a clog that allows water to pool near your home.
  3. Repair any cracks or other damage you notice in your foundation walls as soon as possible. As you make these repairs, look for areas where water could be entering from outside your house under doors, through cracks around windows, or other places.
  4. If you have a swimming pool or spa near your house, be sure to check it frequently for leaks and damage that could cause water to drain toward the house. Repair any problems immediately to prevent water from seeping into your foundation walls or standing in your yard.
  5. Check your home’s exterior for damage, especially cracks in the foundation slab or gaps between the wall framing and exterior wall coverings — signs that water could be getting inside without you knowing it. Water can enter beneath doors, through windows, or gaps where two materials meet.
  6. If your water heater leaks, you can find out by checking the water level in the tank after your home is empty of occupants one night. If the water level is low, there may be a small or moderate leak. Give us at Water Damage Reno a call. 
  7. Check your home’s sewer line regularly for signs of breaks and damage. If you spot any problems, contact Water Damage Reno as soon as possible to repair the line. If sewer or drain lines back up inside your home, contact us immediately, so you don’t have water damage from sewage or other debris.
  8. When you use appliances in your home, be sure they are installed properly and vented to the outside whenever possible. If you don’t know how to do this, our installation professional will help you.

If you’d like more information about water damage prevention and Water Damage Prevention Tips, contact us today. We can check for problems that could lead to water damage within your home, and we are qualified to do the repairs necessary to keep your home safe from water damage.